Einfach und gut. Ob als Hauptspeise oder Dessert. Süße Schupfnudeln gehen einfach immer und machen mit Nussbrösel besonders was her. Nuss und Weichsel finde ich persönlich eine geniale Kombi. Die knusprigen Brösel mit der sauren Weichsel-Komponente. Herrlich.Mögt ihr gern Schupfnudeln?
Vegan chocolate cake
No heart shape – but it still tastes delicious. And this not only on Valentine’s Day ;) No eggs, no butter and also sugar reduced. Wow, if you like chocolate brownie – you should definitely put this recipe on your backlist right now! Dough is ready stirred in 10 minutes and can be distorted 60 minutes […]
Cinnamon parfait
You are host and looking for an autumn dessert for the next menu? Or do you just love experimenting in the kitchen? The parfait is made in a minimum of time, suitable for beginners to professionals. In the few steps I will also show you how well you can prepare the dessert the evening before […]
Apple cake with crumbles
Quick and easy recipe, AHOI! For this week, you should make a note of this cake recipe. The dough is done in 10 minutes, it’s super juicy because of the apples and the cake tastes heavenly with the crumbles. I have replaced a part of the dough with wholemeal flour. You can also replace completely […]
Apple pie dumplings
Et voilà – may I introduce? The apple strudel snails are ready to bake. They smell right into your home and want to be baked quickly. They are quicker to prepare than expected. Prepare the dough today in the evening and tomorrow morning, just fill it up and put it in the oven. In 25 […]
Plum dough cake
Next to the pumpkin, the plums are fighting their way to first place. Have you already baked with them, made jame or eaten them a natura? The plum dough cake with curd is particularly juicy and easy to digest. For baking I used the tarte pan of the Selection line from Städter. I painted them […]
Chocolate Mousse Cake
It’s friday and i’ll tell you something. Not only the instructions for this delicious chocolate mousse cake – but also the secret ingredient how to get such beautiful baked products. Ingredient No. 1 – KITCHENHERO. I’m personally so happy about my new Cooking Chef Gourmet and am so proud to have her in my kitchen. Together […]
Almond-Blackberry Cake
Some days ago I was inspired by our beautiful nature. It inspires me every day, because every day me is looking out of ONE of our huge window fronts. Every day a deer with her little Bambi hoops next to our forest. Totally sweet to watch them – how trusting and close they are to […]
The stage is ready for… the best COOKIEDOUGH ever. Oh, i could clean the whole dough bowl. Childhood memories probably come up – when I was allowed to lick out the mixing bowls in my mother’s kitchen (especially during the Christmas season). Did you always do this as a child? My cookiedough was stirred by […]
Nougat Madeleines
Oh, you cute little madeleines – i’ve baked madeleines for the first time. After deciding baking madeleines with nougat, i wanted to bake lemonmadeleines. But because of chocolate is my passion, decision was so easy. I baked 24 pieces and kept them in the tin for about a week. The consistency hasn’t changed much and […]