Valentinstag, Muttertag oder einfach ein gemütliches, leckeres Frühstück. Das versprechen diese unglaublich guten Pancakes mit ISEY SKYR. Skyr Produkte sind beliebter denn je. Warum? Sie sind ein natürlich fettarmer, zugleich proteinreicher Ersatz zu gewöhnlichem Joghurt. Sie sind reich an Kalzium. Dies wiederum spricht besonders Sportler an, genauso aber auch Personen, die viel Wert auf eine […]
Debreziner Hot Dogs

Immer noch herrscht absolutes Messechaos – was ich an so einem Tag brauche? Schnelles Essen, dass uns alle glücklich macht. Denn es gibt nichts Besseres, als eine pikante Wurst nach einem Tag Süß, Kekse, Backen, Schokolade. Wir zaubern schnelle Hot Dogs mit der besten Debreziner, die es gibt. Von Landhof. Kennst du die schon? Schon […]
Schupfnudeln in Nussbrösel und Weichselkompott

Einfach und gut. Ob als Hauptspeise oder Dessert. Süße Schupfnudeln gehen einfach immer und machen mit Nussbrösel besonders was her. Nuss und Weichsel finde ich persönlich eine geniale Kombi. Die knusprigen Brösel mit der sauren Weichsel-Komponente. Herrlich.Mögt ihr gern Schupfnudeln?
kiwi-blueberry smoothie

Isn’t it true that every woman discovers something for herself during pregnancy that she could eat or drink every day? May I introduce my new favorite smoothie. Not too sweet, not too sour and so fruity! Smoothies can also do a lot in the morning or in between during the winter months. Our day started […]
Vegan chocolate cake

No heart shape – but it still tastes delicious. And this not only on Valentine’s Day ;) No eggs, no butter and also sugar reduced. Wow, if you like chocolate brownie – you should definitely put this recipe on your backlist right now! Dough is ready stirred in 10 minutes and can be distorted 60 minutes […]
Creamy pasta with salmon

Miserable wind and drizzly weather? No way. I prefer to light a candle in the house, enjoy the music and enjoy a plate full of creamy salmon spaghettini. “Soul food on rainy days.” The dish is finished quickly and even if the little ones don’t like salmon, they love to eat sauce and pasta ;) […]
Bruschetta with ham and mushrooms

Bruschetta – what a treat. Although I imagine rather cosy summer evenings with a glass of Aperol. But even the cooler days promise a lot under a cuddly blanket with potbelly ;) Modified from the classic bruschetta with tomatoes, I created a new variation with bacon, mushrooms, herbs and rocket. The bacon gives the bruschetta […]
Sweet potatoes filled with chicken

I’ve heard, that sweet potatoes are healthier than normal potatoes. Not only that, but they are also tasty and very special. We enoy them today with red cabbage and cooked chicken meat with herbs on the plate and we love it very much. It is prepared super fast, two pans and a baking tray are […]
Cinnamon parfait

You are host and looking for an autumn dessert for the next menu? Or do you just love experimenting in the kitchen? The parfait is made in a minimum of time, suitable for beginners to professionals. In the few steps I will also show you how well you can prepare the dessert the evening before […]