Juicy Yoghurtbread

A touch of carrot sweetness blends with the aroma of spelled and rye . The mild taste of yoghurt and buttermilk ensures a subtle acidity . Juicy mildly crispy! This bread needs no time to go, but need time for baking . In this time you can put your feet up and read a good book or write your blog post ; )

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Preparation time: 50 min
Ingredients for 1 loaf :

1 egg
1 small carrot ( grated )
250 g yogurt 100ml buttermilk
200 g rye flour
230 g spelled flour
20 g of wheat flour
1 Pck . Baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 tsp salt
Grains ( millet , sunflower seeds , pumpkin seeds , sesame seeds )

Preparation: The egg , together with yogurt and buttermilk , and carrot mix well . Stir in the remaining ingredients and knead together to a smooth dough and put it on a occupied with baking paper forms a round loaf . Preheat oven to 180 degrees hot air . Loaf brush with water , sprinkle with grains and bake in the oven for about 40 minutes .

Enjoy it with warm salted butter – indescribably!


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