Bruschetta – what a treat. Although I imagine rather cosy summer evenings with a glass of Aperol. But even the cooler days promise a lot under a cuddly blanket with potbelly ;) Modified from the classic bruschetta with tomatoes, I created a new variation with bacon, mushrooms, herbs and rocket. The bacon gives the bruschetta […]
vegetarische Gerichte
Meatballs and pumpkin gnocchi

It’s the second round of autumn inspiration. Finally he is there. Everywhere sprouting. A very nutritious food in earlier times. Big and small love this, makes no difference which variety. Hokkaido, butternut or spaghetti pumpkin are probably the most common species we consume. Oh, our beautiful orange pumpkin! Pumpkin gnocchi wanted? I’ve also forgotten to […]
Green quiche

Incredible how time flows. Mother’s Day is just around the corner again. Have you already thought about something for your dearest mummy? Do you still need support for this year and an impulse of ideas, with what you will say THANK YOU to the best mothers of the world? When I become a mom, my […]
Lentil salad

This is THE barbecue side dish of 2019. A new favorite was born. Instead of steamed vegetables and the typical wedges fresh out from the oven, there is finally a newly discovered recipe that tastes excellently with grilled meat. Mung lentils, have you ever heard of it? These kind of lentils are especially used in […]

Sage have various effects, it is known as an antipyretic remedy. It was also discovered, that sage have positive effects against headache. Fresh extracts shows anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. As healthy as it is, we love sage – using it in our daily kitchen. “Less is more”. For dinner, i’m serving today homemade potato dumplings […]
Baked Pasta

Does pasta count as soul food? We say YES. Long time no pasta recipe at Gaumenschmaus – i just wonder myself – where my homemade pasta is? Ufff – i think this urgently needs to be changed quickly. Have you ever made pasta by yourself? Even a few tips for me? Necessary equipment? Today’s cooking-version […]