How do you like the color P U R P L E? I hate it on Outfits – but i love it on foods. Have you ever tried purple potatoes ? These potatoes are available in a low percentage set next to the original potatoes, so we should make them tasty for our moments of […]
BBQ for fathersday

“Daddy First. According to this motto we celebrate father’s day on 09 June this year. For this year we have something very special for Daddy. Papa comes to our second base to Switzerland and we will spoil him with our barbecue. We hope, he’ll love – decided for a juicy flank steak, filled with pesto. […]
Lentil salad

This is THE barbecue side dish of 2019. A new favorite was born. Instead of steamed vegetables and the typical wedges fresh out from the oven, there is finally a newly discovered recipe that tastes excellently with grilled meat. Mung lentils, have you ever heard of it? These kind of lentils are especially used in […]